Closed until 6th November (with exceptions)

Tuesday, 19th September, 2023
Image by vector4stock on Freepik

(Image by vector4stock on Freepik)

The recent door installation activity during the rebuilding of the annexed cottage has now spread to the main house and is causing us to close the house to guests until 6th November, except for Benenden Hospital patients wanting an overnight stay without breakfast. To explain why these things are happening would take far too long. Suffice to say that this remodelling and reorganisation of various doors in the somewhat complicated area that lies between the main house and the annexe involves clearing out a whole wall full of period kitchen cupboards and knocking out bits of wall to create a new opening for a new door in place of the cupboards. With luck it should be possible to dismantle the cupboards and rebuild them in what was formerly the annexe’s kitchen. But for the moment, their contents are occupying the whole of the breakfast table. Knocking out walls invariably creates a lot of dust and mess. As if this were not enough, the East Wing is to have its windows replaced at the end of October. And a new bed! Normal service will be resumed, I hope, by 6th November, by which date we will also have welcomed the new occupants in the soon to be finished annexe.