Taking Stock

Tuesday August 14th, 2018

I have completed my first quarter, and at last I have a day without any breakfast guests. Time for reflection on how things are going. The answer is, far better than I could possibly have imagined. People seem to love this place and the reviews are excellent. Cats, dog, chickens, goose, all are undaunted by the constant succession of guests, and this house feels more lived-in and alive than it has for years. The sheer amount of laundry continues to be a problem, but I guess that goes with the job. There have been hairy moments, like when I turned the secondary fridge up during the recent heatwave and all the milk froze in its bottles. I had no milk left in the main fridge so there was none available to give to the guests that morning — at least not until I had soaked the frozen the bottles in warm water to thaw them out. At the same time, the hot chocolate I was making for one of the guests boiled over so I had no milk with which to make a new batch. And all of that was happening while I was trying to cook six full English breakfasts. That morning was a bit of a nightmare!