Saturday, March 10th, 2018
A B&B that has to feed up to eight people with full English breakfasts is going to need a lot of eggs. One solution is to get some hens to supply at least some of them. The hens were decimated by hungry foxes during the recent very cold months. One attack after the next left us with just a cockerel, a hen and three geese. Two of the geese have been rehomed because they really weren’t very pleasant characters. We kept Jemima the snow-white Sebastopol goose because she’s lovely and gentle. The cockerel survived the clutches of the foxes, but began to feel lonely with just one hen and Jemima for company. And the poor lone hen was getting rather exhausted by all the cockerel’s devoted physical attention. So Tracey went off to restock and we have a lovely collection of multi-hued birds (bottom pic). Today, with the help of Tracey’s father, we made an enclosure that we hope will be more fox-proof.