Building Progress

Saturday, August 12th, 2023

As our summer progresses, so too does work on the cottage. Guests in the East Wing will have a nicer view now that the scaffolding has gone. The red paint on the brickwork is temporary. A white render will be applied on top. The porch roof on the left of the picture was found to have rotten beams and woodworm-infested rafters, so that is currently being renewed too, using leftover tiles from the cottage roofing work. At the end of September, the East Wing will be closed for a time while new windows are fitted. They will match those in the cottage and are being made by the same carpenter.

The weather may have been disappointing this summer, but some of the vegetables are doing very well. No need to think about vegetables for dinner as there are courgettes and French beans to be picked every day. But the tomatoes are green.

A Jigsaw Puzzle

Monday, 10th July, 2023

The sundial path down to the pond is being relaid, something that I’ve been meaning to have done for years. Once this jigsaw puzzle is put back together again, it will look so much better. Colin will have such a surprise next time time he comes in to mow the magic circles.

Roofs and Vegetables

Wednesday, 5th July, 2023

The scaffolding has been removed from the top part of the cottage and from the laundry block. The laundry room now has a beautifully rebuilt roof over it, removing all fear not just of imminent collapse of that whole section of the house but also of ingress by both bees and rain. This unscheduled exercise took attention away from the rebuilding of the cottage for a while, but now work can resume on the lean-to sections at either end. Most of the interior plastering has been done, so the next big milestone of the project will be the fitting of the windows, which have needed five coats of brown paint to fully cover the white primer that had been applied to their wooden frames at the manufacturing stage. I wanted the windows to blend into their surrounding woodland environment, hence the tree-trunk colour.

Rain has fallen at last in recent days after a long dry spell, and the veg patch has been thankful for it. I wasn’t going to bother with trying to grow vegetables this year, partly because the patch is on a building site and partly because it is destined to be ripped out and completely redesigned and deer-proofed, but in the end I couldn’t resist putting in a few plants. Keeping things simple, I am limiting them to a few tomatoes, peppers, beans, courgettes and potatoes. In the empty square between the courgettes I sprinkled some seeds from a few packets that were past their use-by dates. I am amused that tiny plants are coming up in two neat rows, but I have no idea what they are. The building-site barriers are proving to be a wonderful substitute for deer fencing.

Orchids in the Wild

Tuesday, 20th June, 2023

This year, the wild flowers in the lanes around here are bigger and taller than in previous years. Perhaps our late spring is the reason. Behind the house are woodlands big enough to get lost in. Few guests, or even humans for that matter, ever venture there, so rare plants have a chance to grow undisturbed. This beautiful orchid was in full bloom right in the middle of one of the paths. It literally stood out from other smaller specimens dotted around. Behind it is the blurry outline of thistle, which was shoulder high. The lower photo shows the path into the woodland from the garden.


Yet More Battens

Saturday, 10th June 2023

The rebuilding of the gardener’s cottage is making good progress and is well ahead of schedule. That’s a good thing, because it was discovered that the pitched roof above the laundry room (on the left in this photo) was in danger of collapsing as a result of a construction error when it was built in the 1970s. Built on top of what was a flat roof (still there, complete with ancient satellite dish), it did not have enough cross-bracing timbers to support the weight of the tiles, and over time some of the timbers detached themselves from the overall framework. The whole structure needs to be rebuilt urgently. So the tiles have been removed and the timbers taken down. A growing pile of battens is waiting to be recycled as kindling for Colin’s woodburner. Colin is our temporary gardener until the cottage is occupied again. He is the creator of the magic circles on the front lawn, which are visible from Google maps. He is delighted to fill his van with these awful battens full of nails!

Direct Hit

Thursday, 8th June 2023

Apart from rebuilding the gardener’s cottage which adjoins the house, we are also having to take down the roof above the laundry room and rebuild it. This involved finding a new home for large colony of bees that lived in the roof space. Two huge boxes full of bees were taken away after many decades of residency by successive colonies.

This week, one of the men inadvertently went through the ceiling, scoring a direct hit onto my basket of freshly laundered towels which were waiting to be sorted, folded and put away.

This Year’s Rhododendrons

Friday, 2nd June, 2023

This year’s rhododendrons have not been the best. They suffered terribly during last summer’s drought. Some of the bushes have refused to flower at all. The pale pink one is now very old, bent and frail. It may not survive much longer, but it certainly gave a good show.

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

Monday, 15th May, 2023

Today, the wisteria blooms are already faded. This photo was taken on Saturday, 13th May, two days ago, just before the blooms started to wilt. These blooms last only a very few days. As a symbol of life’s transience, I dedicate them to the memory of my mother who died on 13th May seven years ago, and to my very good friend Catherine who died on the day when this photo was taken.

Blooms in May

Thursday, 11th May, 2023

The rhododendrons this year are probably not going to give us a good display. They suffered terribly in last summer’s drought. Many died and others have not fully recovered and are reluctant to open their sparse buds. I hope there will be something to show later this month. On the other hand, the wisteria is thriving. These are the blooms to the left of the front door, which is just beyond the right edge of the picture. There is a mirror image on the other side of the door! Once the blooms have faded, there follows vigorous growth of leaves and fronds throughout the whole summer and autumn. These require weekly trimming, taming and tying back. This wisteria dates back to at least 1948, when the house was restored after a lightning strike set fire to it and destroyed its upper storey. Who knows whether it was planted before that fire?

A Better Loaf

Monday, 1st May, 2023

I make bread several times a week, alternating between white and brown. My sourdough starter dates from 2009, and if I don’t keep making bread, it will die. The same principle goes for yoghurt, but my yoghurt starters tend to last a couple of years before gradually weakening and needing to be replaced. This year, because of high electricity prices, I have been experimenting with more economical ways of baking bread. To switch on the big oven for 50 minutes just to bake a single loaf seems very extravagant. So I’ve been using my mini-oven. Unfortunately, this doesn’t result in as good a loaf as baking it in the big oven. The top of the loaf gets overcooked and the rest of it dries out too much before being cooked through. Baking it at a lower temperature for longer does not work. In search of a solution, I stumbled on this lidded ceramic  bread pan from the French brand Emile Henry. Reviews were mixed and it’s an expensive product, but I decided to order it anyway and try it out. The results far exceeded my expectations. That lid, with its all-important holes, is what produces the magic. It traps just enough moisture inside the receptacle to produce a good rise and prevent dehydration, but not so much that the loaf would come out soggy. I now have the most perfect loaves I could possibly wish for, cooked in my mini-oven. I wish I’d discovered this wonderful earthenware bread baker earlier. My lidless metal loaf tins will now all go to recycling.